July 27, 2023

Today's Tokyo Tower

It was a summer party at the beer restaurant in the Tokyo Prince Hotel.
Beer and BBQ in the heat were too delicious!


■TransACT Group

■TransACT Holdings

■TransACT Co.,Ltd.

■For Executives

■TransACT Foundation


■TransACT America Inc.











July 20, 2023

Today's Tokyo Tower

Green and Tokyo Tower!
Today is easier than yesterday.
It's humid, but I'm happy that the rainy season will end in Tokyo in a few days.

Don't forget to hydrate and be careful of heat stroke.


■TransACT Group

■TransACT Holdings

■TransACT Co.,Ltd.

■For Executives

■TransACT Foundation


■TransACT America Inc.











July 13, 2023

Today's Tokyo Tower

Tokyo Tower on Tanabata day.
I couldn't see any stars, but the blue sky was magical and mesmerizing.


■TransACT Group

■TransACT Holdings

■TransACT Co.,Ltd.

■For Executives

■TransACT Foundation


■TransACT America Inc.











July 6, 2023

Today's Tokyo Tower

Tokyo Tower seen from between buildings.

Today is Tanabata! 
At night, I would like to look at the night sky and see the stars.


■TransACT Group

■TransACT Holdings

■TransACT Co.,Ltd.

■For Executives

■TransACT Foundation


■TransACT America Inc.







