August 27, 2024

Today's Tokyo Tower


This is the light-up to celebrate the 65th anniversary of the opening of Tokyo Tower.
There was also a fun event to celebrate the 65th anniversary ♪


■TransACT Group

■TransACT Holdings

■TransACT Co.,Ltd.

■For Executives

■TransACT Foundation


■TransACT America Inc.











July 24, 2024

Today's Tokyo Tower


For one day only, Tokyo Tower was lit up to resemble the sun and summer sky.
The orange and sky blue lights are great for cooling off on a hot night.♡


■TransACT Group

■TransACT Holdings

■TransACT Co.,Ltd.

■For Executives

■TransACT Foundation


■TransACT America Inc.











July 11, 2024

Today's Tokyo Tower


This is Tokyo Tower on Tanabata Day.
Looking at the green bamboo is soothing♪

It's been so hot I feel like I'm melting, and I'm exhausted.
Make sure to stay hydrated and take care not to get heatstroke.


■TransACT Group

■TransACT Holdings

■TransACT Co.,Ltd.

■For Executives

■TransACT Foundation


■TransACT America Inc.











July 4, 2024

Today's Tokyo Tower


Today's Tokyo Tower

Hydrangeas and Tokyo Tower! I took a cute picture of them♪
The pale purple hydrangeas look cool and lovely.


■TransACT Group

■TransACT Holdings

■TransACT Co.,Ltd.

■For Executives

■TransACT Foundation


■TransACT America Inc.











June 20, 2024

Today's Tokyo Tower


This is Tokyo Tower lit up in wisteria and cherry blossom colors.
The moon is also hidden in the photo, which is adorable♡


■TransACT Group

■TransACT Holdings

■TransACT Co.,Ltd.

■For Executives

■TransACT Foundation


■TransACT America Inc.











June 13, 2024

Today's Tokyo Tower


The tip of Tokyo Tower is peeking out between the cranesbill trees.
The red berries are so cute♪


■TransACT Group

■TransACT Holdings

■TransACT Co.,Ltd.

■For Executives

■TransACT Foundation


■TransACT America Inc.











June 6, 2024

Today's Tokyo Tower


This is Tokyo Tower on a full moon day.

The full moon shining powerfully against the sky blue illumination is beautiful.


■TransACT Group

■TransACT Holdings

■TransACT Co.,Ltd.

■For Executives

■TransACT Foundation


■TransACT America Inc.











May 23, 2024

Today's Tokyo Tower


It was a pleasant day with the wind blowing.
The deep pink azaleas are cute.


■TransACT Group

■TransACT Holdings

■TransACT Co.,Ltd.

■For Executives

■TransACT Foundation


■TransACT America Inc.











April 25, 2024

Today's Tokyo Tower


Tokyo Tower is decorated with carp streamers.
Every year, I am healed by the carp streamers swimming happily ♡


■TransACT Group

■TransACT Holdings

■TransACT Co.,Ltd.

■For Executives

■TransACT Foundation


■TransACT America Inc.











April 11, 2024

Today's Tokyo Tower


Tokyo Tower seems to have a cute light pink color.
It was crowded with people taking photos♪


■TransACT Group

■TransACT Holdings

■TransACT Co.,Ltd.

■For Executives

■TransACT Foundation


■TransACT America Inc.











April 8, 2024

Today's Tokyo Tower


Cherry blossoms and Tokyo Tower.
The weekend was warm and perfect for cherry blossom viewing.
It was a happy weekend admiring the beautiful cherry blossoms♪


■TransACT Group

■TransACT Holdings

■TransACT Co.,Ltd.

■For Executives

■TransACT Foundation


■TransACT America Inc.











March 28, 2024

Today's Tokyo Tower


I looked up at Tokyo Tower from directly below.
It's really impressive!


■TransACT Group

■TransACT Holdings

■TransACT Co.,Ltd.

■For Executives

■TransACT Foundation


■TransACT America Inc.











March 21, 2024

Today's Tokyo Tower


Beautiful pine trees and Tokyo Tower.

It's the second half of March, but the chilly days continue.
The wind is strong, so please be careful.


■TransACT Group

■TransACT Holdings

■TransACT Co.,Ltd.

■For Executives

■TransACT Foundation


■TransACT America Inc.











March 13, 2024

Today's Tokyo Tower

Jizo statue at Zojoji Temple and Tokyo Tower.
Cute Jizo statues wearing red hats with a windmill ♡
It is said that about 1,300 bodies are now enshrined there.


■TransACT Group

■TransACT Holdings

■TransACT Co.,Ltd.

■For Executives

■TransACT Foundation


■TransACT America Inc.











March 4, 2024

Today's Tokyo Tower

Tokyo Tower on Rare Disease Day!
It is held every year on a global scale to raise awareness about rare and intractable diseases.
Landmarks around the world appear to be lit up in iconic colors on this day.
It's a wonderful event ♡


■TransACT Group

■TransACT Holdings

■TransACT Co.,Ltd.

■For Executives

■TransACT Foundation


■TransACT America Inc.







